District Warehouse YTD Financial Reports
Detailed Athletic Expenditures YTD
ALE Expenditures YTD ALE Expenditures By Object YTD ALE Fund Balance Report Categorical Expenditures and Fund Balances YTD ELL Expenditures YTD ELL Fund Balance Report ESA Expenditures YTD ESA Fund Balance Report ESA Program Code Errors YTD Professional Development Expenditures YTD Professional Development Fund Balance Report
Building Fund 3 Expenditures YTD Capital Outlay Fund 5 Expenditure YTD Declining Enrollment Expenditures YTD Food Services Fund 8 Expenditures YTD Function 2321 YTD Function 2329 YTD Function 2390 YTD Function 2490 YTD Gifted/Talented YTD Gifted/Talented Expenditure Required Summary YTD with NBC Bonus M&O 9% Required Expenditure YTD with NBC Bonus M&O Expenditure Budget YTD Student Growth Expenditures YTD Superintendent Certified Salary & Benefits YTD
Fund Balance
Fund Balance Academic Facilities Catastrophic Repair Fund Balance Academic Facilities Partnership Program (Fund 3 Only) Fund Balance Activity Fund (Fund 7) YTD Fund Balance Building Fund (Fund 3) YTD Fund Balance Capital Outlay (Fund 5) YTD Fund Balance Educational Cooperative Technology Center (Fund 1362 | 2362) Fund Balance Federal Fund (Fund 6) YTD Fund Balance Food Services (Fund 8) YTD Fund Balance Title I YTD Fund Balance Report (Fund 1199 | 2199) Fund Balance Smart Start - Literacy Fund Balance Report (Fund 1381 | 2381) Fund Balance Smart Start - Literacy Staff Development (Fund 1383 | 2383) Fund Balance Smart Start - Math Fund Balance Report (Fund 1382 | 2382) Fund Balance Smart Start Math Staff Development (Fund 1384 | 2384) Legal Balance (Funds 1, 2, 4) YTD
General Ledger
GL Accounts 04060-04699 & 04800-04999 Payroll Liability Account Balance YTD
Declining Enrollment Revenue YTD Property Tax Revenue YTD Revenue 11120 and 11125 YTD Revenue 11120 and 11125 By Period YTD Student Growth Funding Revenue YTD
Function 2321 Superintendent YTD Salary